House 2 View

App house2view — Photo 360º Retail Management, for Ricoh Theta Versión. Real estate

About us

What is house2view?

HOUSE2VIEW is a Platform for the generation, edition, management and publication of interactive virtual tours for real-estate market. We are a group of professionals in spherical photography with years of experience, and we have developed our own processing technology for spherical panoramic images, and a navigation system for virtual tours. The development of our own technology is the result of the need for features that were not available in the market to meet the needs of our customers. This system has reached a sufficient level to be offered to other photographers, multimedia artists and programmers.

In HOUSE2VIEW not only we offer the services of our platform, we are also open to partnerships with other companies, professionals and institutions, if you have an idea and you believe that together we can get to do it, do not hesitate to contact us.

Needs covered

House2View incorporates online editing features for 360 ° virtual tours that were not available on the market. House2View not only seeks to cover the need for accommodation and visibility of real estate agencies’ offer of real estate, but also allows the commercial agent to autonomously generate their own virtual tours in a personalized way, reducing their costs of marketing and commercial resources, to To be able to show more number of real estate, transporting potential customers through a visual experience of VR 360º technology.

House2View allows you to work as a white label in both your app and your web interface, to give neutral commercial coverage to your real estate management ERP.


Offer to the real estate sector, the possibility of integrating in its day to day, in an agile and simple way, virtual reality 360º through a smartphone. Without being a professional of photography. And can have the necessary independence and tools, to generate virtual visits of customized properties.

Pre-show the property to your customers before moving or disturbing the owners.
Unnecessary business visits?
Reduce your publication time drastically. The working will become minutes. The cost of subscription fee is insignificant compared to the increase in the profitability of your work.
Optimize your sales times
Privately share virtual visits with your clients via e-mail or Whatshapp on a temporary basis or by number of views
Full control over your real estate offer
View your virtual tours with VR glasses, let your customers live within your virtual tours. Win a market projection never imagined.
Virtual Reality (VR)
Connect your spherical photos, edit tours, include hot spots, manage viewing and management permissions, share visits on any Web or Social Media site.
One system covers all
Download and deliver Full visit to your client on a DVD or memory stick
Panoramas without Light oversaturation
No photography or software knowledge is required to create a 360° Tour. You will be surprised how extremely easy to use our system.
What advantages does our system have?
Our application performs 5 shots per shot, to get the best result in each panorama.
Panoramas without Light oversaturation